Blog Archive

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Meanwhile, in the former driveway....

Azalea, tree peony just about to pop, Spanish bluebells (hyacinthoides  Hyspanicus) in bg.

wisteria, tree peonies in bg

hyancinthoides on R, forget-me-nots on L

ugly support on tree wisteria. Any ideas?

Thank you Joseph Hillenmeyer for iris cristada varigata

azalea  in front of hyacinthoides and Virginia Bluebells

fresh new host foliage. Yum!

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red azalea now opening on R

Lilac on L on front of house, garbage inside gate 

Excuse me, but I can't get enough of these. It doesn't last long.

purple tree peony just opened, red, closer to wall beginning to open.

Garbage bags gone thanks to Bangaly darling.

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